We are Boutique


Posted In: Social by Dan Howard,
February 3, 2020


We wrote about Ben in our 3D section (check it out right hur) after he repainted the gaff, (please see link to new sh!t hot gaff here.) After Ben returned from what we are sure was an intense and arduous work trip to Barca’, we sat down with him and asked him some of what we think are the hottest questions.

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Benjamin Craven, from a lovely, sunny city called Leeds. I create a bunch of things from bags to murals.

What’s your background?

I’ve been interested in art and design ever since i was a kid, Microsoft Paint is where it really kicked off for me. I then slowly moved on to photoshop and other software. I used to run my own street-wear brand from the age of 16,  I’ve always been creating and trying to make a living from what I am passionate about. I went to Leeds Arts University and studied Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern, this was a pretty intense course and I treated it like a 9-5 for around three years. After I finished that, I bagged a job in London designing Clothing for high street brands, then moved back up north to start my own brand. And now I’m here.

Jobs before becoming an artist?

My very first job was a paper round! I did that for years until I got a Christmas temp job washing dishes. After saving up I soon after started the clothing brand at age 16

Favourite current trend within the industry?

The DIY mentality, and that people aren’t afraid of colour as much these days.

What excited you about collaborating with BOUTIQUE?

Apart from the company being super optimistic and enthusiastic, we were given the freedom to create what we wanted! It’s such a wicked and unique space you have to, this opened up a lot of cool design opportunities, especially the stairs case. This was probably one of the trickiest things I’ve had to paint. But yeah, collaborating with boutique was wicked, super humble bunch!

What’s on the top of your to-do list?

Start driving! Just so we won’t have to cycle and carry litres of paint on our backs.

What do you think of garden gnomes?

Not really thought about it, they are quite creepy thinking about it now though…

If you ran away and joined the circus – what would your performance be?

An acrobat.

Last thing you Googled?

“Thin Steel Rod” – Think what you like, but I swear I’m making a lamp.

Would you rather fight one horse-sized pigeon or 50 pigeon-sized horses?

50 Pigeon sized horses for sure.

What’s something you believe that almost no one agrees with you about?

This is tricky because there is so many things! But maybe how a cup of tea is made?

Who would you let punch you directly in the face?

Mike Tyson! Or if he was alive, probably Kurt Cobain.

Shortly after the interview finished, Ben jumped on his bicycle and rode off into the sunset. If you want to see more of Ben’s amazing work, you can find him on Instagram or visit his website here.



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