We are Boutique

5 Rules for Pitching Agencies

Posted In: Hidden by Dan Howard,
February 5, 2015


I have issues… serious ones.


We all do; constantly defining ourselves and working out who we are.


Everything needs its place, its own defined set of rules and parameters.


We define, rationalise and compare everything in a bid to understand the world around us and, more importantly, help others see and think the same as us.


It’s these same factors driving me to write this post. In an attempt to share my thoughts and rationalise some information, I’m going to use the power of comparisons to make my point.


We’ve conducted a recent survey asking senior marketing personnel about how and why they pitch out to agencies.


According to the survey, a whopping 92% of companies review their agency structure because of creative stagnation, closely followed by poor account management at 85%.


It’s a bit like dating; if you keep eating at the same restaurant every week and stay out of contact for long periods of time, you’re going to end up single.


Continual account reviews are a must. Keep listening to clients and challenge the status quo. Just because you’ve done it before, doesn’t mean it will work next time.


If your partner keeps hearing from their friends how much fun they are having on dates, they will start feeling like they are missing out. You’re going to end up single.


Another huge factor driving account reviews was a change of personnel (55%). Agencies must hang onto key personnel. We don’t own stock or machinery, our assets are people, ideas and talent. Taking time to select the best people and then retaining them is as important as trademarking a brand or patenting product.


Be yourself and be consistent because no one wants to date a schizophrenic. You’re going to end up single.


The survey also found that over 80% of the time the incumbent has a good chance of retaining the business. Agencies should always re-pitch, unless the relationship is unsalvageable.


You never know if they might still have feelings for you, tackle the issues head on and win them back, otherwise you’re going to end up single.


We also know that just under 50% of businesses review their agency structure annually. Tracking the review dates for prospective clients is imperative for agencies targeting growth.


If you forget an anniversary you’re going to end up single. If you’re already single, make sure you go out on Valentine’s Day.


40% of clients moving to a new marketing role review immediately with a massive 80% doing so in the first four months. Agencies must stay in touch with clients throughout their careers – forming professional yet personal relationships is key. Get interested and take them out once in a while.


It’s pretty hard for me to draw a similarity here but burning bridges is never a good idea, you never know when you might bump into someone. Awkward……


Life, work, life, work, balance. etc. etc. etc. Now I’ve got the clichés out of the way I can get to the point. Most of us spend more time at work than anywhere else, so why should we put less effort into the relationships we build there than the ones we build at home?


People want to work with people they like so unless your clients are masochists, act like you’re dating.




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