We are Boutique

A Sauce You Can’t Refuse

With awards season in full swing, Heinz has launched a limited-edition sauce in collaboration with Paramount Pictures. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the iconic (and Oscar Best Picture Winning) film, Heinz has introduced ‘The Godfather Pasta Sauce’.

Movie and food product tie ins are not unusual, but the scale of this collaboration and the way Heinz pay homage to the iconic visual style of The Godfather feels interesting, especially considering the obvious link between the film’s Italian characters and the sauce itself. One scene in The Godfather even offers tips for making a good sauce – so fans of the movie might recall this and be intrigued by the product. The campaign is also interesting in that – it doesn’t just promote Heinz or their product, but it calls attention to the fact that The Godfather is celebrating a significant milestone. This in turn promotes the film, and invites movie fans as well as those who have never watched the film to consider engaging with it to celebrate its longevity within popular film.

Read more here.

Don’t suck, slurrrrpppppppp

Pot Noodle made an ad campaign about slurping noodles. They ran a 20 second TV ad and a few OOH campaigns referencing the TV advert, and the slurping noise people make when they’re eating Pot Noodles. This campaign creates eating a pot noodle into an interactive experience, which creates a relatable joke among consumers, and gets people talking about the brand and the advert. It also shows how brands can utilise the sound design in their adverts to captivate their audiences and create lasting impressions.

Read more here. 



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Hayfever Fever



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England’s Favourites



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Google Consent Mode V2